Way to record sound produced by your sound card


  • Make sure nothing is plugged into the input or microphone jacks.
  • Click "Start", go to "Programs", then "Accessories", then entertainment then "Sound Recorder".
  • Open "Volume Control" by right-clicking on the speaker in your task bar and selecting "Open Volume
  • Control".

  • Click Options, then click properties then select "Recording".
  • Select "Mono Mix".
  • At sound recorder, press "Record" then play the sounds you want to record. You're done!


  • Thanks to the RIAA, Microsoft Sound Recorder will only record up to 60 seconds of sound.
  • Use this method to record things from a song you made with various sounds or some other reason.
  • The windows default recorder will only record 30 seconds worth of audio. One option is to download the
  • advanced audio tool called Audio Recorder.

  • Audio Recorder allows you to save unlimited length files, and to save them to .mp3 format.
  • If using Audio Recorder, check and make sure that the "Input Volume" slide-bar (the one next to the
  • icon of the microphone) is set to a value greater than 0.